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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Blown Away

Bubble favors for the virtual re-wedding!


I used an extra white iris (the traditional 25th anniversary flower) to make a boutonniere for Jesse to pin to his tux.

Blooming Idiot

Here's what I came up with for a bouquet...  I used each of the boys' birth month flowers: 2 sprays of gladiolus down each side for Justin & Corky, a mum at the top for Randy, and a spray of lily-of-the-valley down front for Landon.  There's also 1 white iris in the center, which is the traditional 25th anniversary flower. 
I feel like I need some sprigs of silver, but I can't figure ot exactly what it should be. 


Redneck champagne glasses!

In the Bag

Couldn't resist using leftover ribbon and fabric from all the wedding prep to create a new purse cover!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Girl's Best Friend

....if a girl is too poor for diamonds! 

This set looks great with my dress!

Something Old

I'm thinking of using my grandmother's rhinestone brooch on the back bustle of my dress.  It's silver, too, so that would tie in the 25th anniversary aspect.

Eye Do

What outfit would be complete without rhinestone cateye shades?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sunday, January 22, 2012

White Wedding

Message that I sent to my stepmom and my best friend:
"I have a dress."

Followed by this message:
"It's white....hahahahaha!"

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Was looking at shoes for the re-wedding on Craigslist this a.m. just in case I want to deviate from the original plan of wearing the acrylic hooker heels.  Found a gorgeous pair with beading and cute little strappy across the back.  BUT they are a half size too big.  Jesse said we should go ahead and get them if we are going over to Austin anyway.  I tried to explain to him in the simplest of terms to make his testosterone-infused brain understand that you can walk inebriated down the aisle with Elvis in shoes that are too SMALL because you can kick them off later and be ok; you canNOT walk inebriated down the aisle with Elvis in shoes that are too BIG because you will turn your ankle and fall and break your neck. 

"Woo hoo!" he said, "Single in Vegas!"

Friday, January 20, 2012


Jesse and I are approaching the 25-year mark.  My best friend and I had planned this whole thing out a few years ago  and I am happy to report that roughly 30% of it may actually make it to fruition.  Unfortunately, she will not be unable to go to Vegas and attend the wedding, and there are no Rick Springfield concerts for me to get the proposal or groom that we had planned, but ELVIS WILL BE INVOLVED. 

Some of the Lucilles think I need to have a Bi+chelorette party (not a typo -- I'm not a bachelorette). 

I'm going to have to locate a big ol' Barbie dress for the ceremony -- been scouring Craigslist and if I don't either A) lose enough weight to be a size 4 or B) gain enough weight to be a size 16, then I am S.O.L.  I attempted to achieve goal weight B today by consuming an entire sleeve of  newly-purchased Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies.  I don't think I can make it by the 2-week deadline. 

Therefore, Jesse and I are going to thrift stores this weekend to find THE DRESS.  Please don't text or call or email me and tell me I can borrow yours.  You are missing the point.  I need to go dress shopping and I need to find something that will go with my tiara, acrylic hooker heels, rhinestone cateye shades, and vodka.

YOU: Don't want cosmos and/or appletinis spilled all over your heirloom garment.
ME: Extremely capable of spilling cosmos and/or appletinis all over your heirloom garment.  

Anyway -- I thought it would be great fun to change my status on Facebook to "engaged" instead of "married" to Jesse until the re-wedding occurred, and FB said it had to confirm this status with him . 

Silly Facebook!  Don't you know that after 25 years, I don't need his permission for ANYTHING?